Haccombe House

Devon Local List
  • Parkland
Haccombe with Combe
Local Authority:

Pevsner writes “Haccombe House, in its large grounds, is a nondescript Georgian structure now converted into flats”.  In 1793 Sweet had ”a transient catch of the seat of Sir Thomas Carew, deep lodged in the dell at Haccombe and encompassed with ancient woods”.   At the end of the eighteenth century the village was demolished to improve the prospect and the approaching lanes were repositioned.  The 1906 OS shows the house in parkland screened by plantations with a network of rides/walks and a walled garden.  The western approach from Upper Lodge is via a long winding drive.

Listed Buildings

House listed Grade II*, Church of St Blaise GradeI, Churchyard railings, Home farmhouse, planned farmyard NW of Home farmhouse, Granary 40m W of Home farmhouse all listed Grade II.


Cherry & Pevsner: The Buildings of England – Devon, 1989:464
T Gray: The Garden History of Devon, 1995: 115

50.5204972, -3.5555937