Communications Team

Devon Gardens Trust  Communications and Marketing Team Communications are vital to the Trust’s objective of increasing awareness and understanding of Devon’s designed landscapes. We would like to increase our communication team so that we can maximise our communications, reaching out to new audiences to promote the Trust and the important historic gardens, parks and cemeteries of Devon.The team will help us:

  • increase awareness of the Trust and its work
  • engage with a wider range of audiences
  • increase the Trust's membership and following
  • increase understanding of the threats facing historic designed landscapes both public and private

Our Communications and Marketing team deliver:

Members'Newsletter-normally two Newsletters a year which involves:

  • editorial
  • collecting and commissioning articles and information ensuring a good balance of longer and shorter articles and subject matter reflecting the key activities of the Trust
  • write some articles if necessary and edit all articles to fit length and if necessary conform with DGT style
  • ensure articles are appropriately illustrated, all images are credited and where necessary that image permissions have been obtained
  • if necessary liaise with digital designer

ENews-monthly ENews to members and other subscribers

  • collect news stories, images, edit and issue the ENews
  • liaise with others (particularly Events on event reminders) for short news items (some may preview a longer item in the Newsletter)
  • link with news items on website


  • keep the website up to date, particularly with news items coordinating with ENews and Newsletter content and imput from content editors
  • liaise with all teams for content
  • liaise with Twitter and Instagram volunteer
  • write and edit content as necessary
  • obtain images (ensuring all appropriate permissions have been obtained and credited where necessary) and build up an image library for website and other use
  • publish content
  • liaise with developer on any technical issues and potential updates

Social Media

  • regular updates on the DGT Twitter and Instagram
  • liking/linking with other posts to increase DGT presence

Other activity

  • production of leaflets and other printed material 
  • monitor stock of leaflets
  • contact potential outlets for leaflet and arrange for supplies
  • production of display and ensuring it is maintained in satisfactory condition
  • identify and contact potential display opportunities and make any necessary arrangements 
  • liaise with Membership and others to develop and implement recruitment campaigns (eg through gardening clubs, historical societies)
  • press releases
  • liaise with DGT speakers to maintain a base PowerPoint presentation

Apart from a commitment to DGT's objectives and an interest in Devon's rich heritage of gardens, parks and cemeteries, our communications and marketing volunteers should have one or more of the following or a keenness to learn:

  • communications skills with editorial experience or competence in both digital and/or print media
  • an ability to write short news items and longer articles
  • experience of building social media audiences or willingness to learn
  • an eye for a story
  • competence in simple design (eg with Mailchimp templates)
  • ideally an interest and some knowledge of historic gardens and parks
  • an eye for detail

The exact time commitment depends on the responsibilities of each volunteer member of the team and their expertise. The more members in the team the less the workload falls to one or two volunteers. We would be delighted to hear from any member who may be interested in joining the team, or if you know of someone who is not a member but who might be suitable and interested, please do suggest that they get in touch. For further information contact [email protected]